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End Of An Era

Thursday, 22 July 2010

It is with regret that after 20 years of hosting the Agility Show for the Autumn Exhibition (formally The Rare Breeds Preservation and Small Animal Show) at the East of England Showground, we have been told that our services are no longer required.

A committee member was 'unofficially' made aware of this fact at an Agility Show, which they attended in June.

On Wednesday, 21st July after numerous and lengthy emails, letters and telephone calls to the event organiser we were told that it is indeed true. Today the KC have confirmed this to be correct.

Unbeknown to our Club and without consultation we have been 'relieved of the job'. Going forward, all of the Agility Shows held at the East Of England Showground will be under the umbrella of one organisation.

Quotes from event organiser:

"I am embarrassed to find that my communications have not been as effective as I would have wished"


"I know you have been great supporters at many of the agility competitions held at our showground - please accept my sincere apologies"

To say this has been a shock is an understatement. Earlier this year, when the Show Secretary attended the Autumn Exhibition Meeting to review last year's show we were told it had been a great success and all those present were asked if they would be happy and willing to do the same this year. Nothing was mentioned or suggested that we would not be running the show.

As per KC requirements we have held our license since 2008. In fact we have just been granted the one for 2012!!! Obviously, anyone can get a license to hold a show on the same day, at the same venue or even the same show as anyone else and you don't need to have given any amount of notice.

A warning to all Show Secretaries perhaps. . . . . . . . . ?

In addition, as the Show is only 12 weeks away, all of the rosettes and trophies have been purchased and schedules have been printed - who pays for that?

Spalding & District Dog Training Club would like to thank all of the Judges and helpers that offered their services for this year and hope that we can call on you again should the need arise. We intend to hold an Agility Show sometime in the future (date and venue to be confirmed but ideally not to clash with anyone else) and hope whoever runs the one at the Autumn Exhibition, continues to do so for the next 20 years. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A very, deflated committee

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